News has felt slow and uninteresting to me lately. It's been a while since an article moved me in any direction. Finally, this article made me feel totally empathetic to the new yorkers who, having been traumatized by 9/11, were furious about this photoshoot.
Feel free to change the site's appearance as you like. With a wiki style, it can end up however we like. Also, invite anyone you think will post good articles and/or contribute to the commentary.
3/25/09 Eric: Dave, site changes look awesome. I made some more.
3/25/09 Jess: I have access to online Nature. Will post or email pdf or something.
3/26/09 Eric: Frequently updated and interesting blogs. Any recommendations? (add below to News Sites)
I know someone who had to evacuate from the 21st floor of her office building (in heels) because of this scare.