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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

gun (out-of-)control

lately there has been much buzz about gun control, or lack thereof. i wrote a post on my blog expressing my distress about the Pittsburgh event. i don't mean to self-advertise; i'm just too lazy to copy the entry in.

yesterday, bob herbert of the NYT wrote an op-ed piece about the recent surge in murderous gun usage. i was surprised to see the numbers: 120,000 since 9/11. 25 times the number of Americans that have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

i can't say i know much about the argument for and against gun control, but i do think it is an issue to be looked upon.


  1. I was just reading that Herbert article on the bus this morning. My ears are still ringing on the closeness of this tragedy. In general, I've found when I read gun-control articles that take an event and espouse it to a moral, I'm usually surprised how someone can come to such a different conclusion given the same information. Unless they agree with me-- then I find some peace that good may be squeezed out of a horrific event.

  2. Strangely, in many ways, Erbil, Iraq is so much safer than many American cities. One would never hear about a man shooting his entire family down and then himself, or finding the slain body of an 8-year-old in a suitcase (forget where I saw that cheery bit of news), or Green River killers or school shootings. What is this social sickness that creates such disturbing acts of violence?
