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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

work worth doing

it is what i strive for, and it happens to be what Sandra Day O'Connor believes is the secret to happiness.

-from Slate.com "The Happiness Project" blog


  1. I like the idea, but then aren't you just putting off deciding what makes you happy by reserving the right to decide 'what's worth doing' at a later point? And I like the question about relationships. I guess they take work worth doing if they make you happy.

  2. I would say that if you expanded the phrase "work worth doing" to encompass any and all actions, everyday, you could say that one just needs to make a conscious effort to make every thing one does worthwhile. And, hopefully, when one does that, one feels fulfilled, and happy.

    Force x Distance = Work. =)

  3. I dunno if I would pin the source of happiness entirely on work (worth doing). What about such a simple thing like sunshine that makes people so happy? It's true though, that sunshine after a long spell of bad weather brings so much more happiness than sunshine after more sunshine. And you could say that happiness brought upon by doing work worth doing is more meaningful and perpetual than happiness brought upon by nice weather.
