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Thursday, March 12, 2009


Article about how doodling when you're bored can actually help you retain information.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting- activate your motor system doodling rather than allow yourself to daydream and interfere with your articulatory system that should be paying attention to the speaker.

    This reminds me on a study they just started in my lab. Subjects perform a memory task that heavily relies on mental articulation. Subjects do the test phase three times- once with no distraction, another time with finger tapping (motor), and another time saying 'the, the, the, the...'. The first two acting as control vs the third showing impairment caused by a distracted articulatory system. This seems to map on to the article's boredom, doodling, and daydreaming
    theory pretty well.

    NPR has so many good articles and yet I never seem to navigate there myself.
