Now when we split drinks it can be more 25:75. Good thing this weekend with Matty I said our relationship wouldn't suffer if you decided not to drink alcohol! So much for my theory that getting tipsy easily is healthy cause you barely have to introduce any of alcohol's toxins. Good article and glad you found it.
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3/25/09 Eric: Dave, site changes look awesome. I made some more.
3/25/09 Jess: I have access to online Nature. Will post or email pdf or something.
3/26/09 Eric: Frequently updated and interesting blogs. Any recommendations? (add below to News Sites)
Now when we split drinks it can be more 25:75. Good thing this weekend with Matty I said our relationship wouldn't suffer if you decided not to drink alcohol! So much for my theory that getting tipsy easily is healthy cause you barely have to introduce any of alcohol's toxins. Good article and glad you found it.