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Monday, March 9, 2009

Happiness Project

I've been following the happiness project on slate:

It is less lame than it sounds and has some reasonable suggestions. My major complaint is it is too many suggestions. Before I have a chance to try something the next set of suggestions has been posted.


  1. I loved my college course on Positive Psychology. And yet, the entire class served 3 purposes: 1) It allowed my teachers to tell interesting anecdotes backed by poorly done surveys to solidify relatively hollow 'laws.' 2) It was a platform for my teacher to sell his book Authentic Happiness. 3) Even though it was based on crap-science-- I still feel like I got some potent takeaways.

    Jess has been reading the happiness project, too.

  2. Jess says it is boo shit boo shit boo shit tarrrrihbouououououou... Because when she eats rice krispie treats she gets happy.
