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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is Alzheimer's a form of diabetes?

Mostly I'm curious to hear what Eric and Jess have to say about this slate article, so I figured I'd post it here.

1 comment:

  1. Article got my attention. What I've seen is a battle between confused B-amyloid (majority) and Tau (growing minority) scientists who are struggling to come to terms with the fact that both plaques and tangles are associated with Alzheimer's (AD)... And the plaque folks took a small blow when the drug Alzamed came plowing through as the hero drug of the day starting back around 2004... It stops the b-amyloid from clumping together into plaques. Ready to report a breakthrough at the annual AD conference in 2007... and all the news stations said "tomorrow we may show you the cure for AD!" The day of the conference the alzamed people proudly marched in and reported insignificant findings... Lamo.

    Sorry for the tangent, but seems like a good back-story. Anyway, I'm skeptical of the insulin theory. In my mind, this seems a lot like another masking, another treatment, another boost that hides the effects. Cognitive reserve does that (being strong means you can do more even if your wrist is sprained)...

    Seems more like a result of damaged neurons is decreased glucose metabolism.

    All that said, I'm gonna read the Neurology paper and see what the scoop is.
